Hair is particularly important for us from a social perspective. Any weakening, visible deterioration in quality or loss of hair has a major impact on our self-confidence. According to studies, most people suffering from hair loss feel it as a manifestation of aging, loss of identity and a loss in the feeling of attractiveness. For women, hair loss is an even bigger problem.
Our centre is a specialised counselling clinic which looks at the problem of hair disease in a comprehensive manner. It is designed for those who have hair disorders which they have been unable to resolve with previous treatment methods.
We focus in particular on treating excessive hair loss (defluvium).
Every client attends a thorough consultation, including a trichological examination which is used to determine the cause of the issue. If the examination does not reveal any hair loss cause, we then do a genetic test. The treatment is determined based on the cause, and can range from a conservative medication therapy to an invasive treatment method such as hair mesotherapy, plasma therapy and hair transplantation.

Trichological examination
A trichological examination is an examination of your hair and scalp using a special microscopic tricho-camera.

Hair mesotherapy
Mesotherapy of the scalp is a treatment in which nourishing substances (in “cocktail” form) are applied directly to the scalp using thin micro-needles. These substances have a positive impact on the hair root, boost hair growth, and improve micro-circulation and scalp quality.

PRP hair plasma therapy
This treatment involves the application of autologous plasma enriched with blood platelets, which exploits the regenerating potential of platelets. PRP therapy can activate 80 % of growth factors such that they activate hair follicles and trigger the growth of healthy strong hair. Platelets and growth factors together “realign” your hair follicles away from the shedding phase to the growth phase.